Training for first marathon.

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Training for first marathon.

Messagepar Davidlakat » 28 Nov 2008, 00:58

Hiya everyone!

I'm training for my first Marathon :D
I've already participated in several races including the "20km de Paris, "16 km de Versialles ", and the "semi-marathon de Boulogne" ... and i need help with my training for the Paris Marathon... anything from nurishement to tips on how to conserve my energy... even training plans help... thanks compris le Francais, mais je ne parle pas bien... merci. :)
Kikoureur timide
Messages: 8
Inscrit le: 17 Nov 2008, 01:02

Messagepar Bambi » 28 Nov 2008, 07:23

in order to get started you might want to try the following specialised websites in English:

and for the easy stuff RunnersWorld US

if you have any specific questions pls don't hesitate to post them here
Dernière édition par Bambi le 28 Nov 2008, 23:26, édité 1 fois au total.
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Re: Training for first marathon.

Messagepar Vivien (100bornard1022) » 28 Nov 2008, 15:44

Davidlakat a écrit:Hiya everyone!

I'm training for my first Marathon :D
I've already participated in several races including the "20km de Paris, "16 km de Versialles ", and the "semi-marathon de Boulogne" ... and i need help with my training for the Paris Marathon... anything from nurishement to tips on how to conserve my energy... even training plans help... thanks compris le Francais, mais je ne parle pas bien... merci. :)

Hello and welcome to
I hope you will enjoy this website dedicated to our favourite sport: running.
I would recommend you to have a look at a great book I am just reading :

" The Complete Guide to Sports Nutrition " by Anita BEAN

You may find that not everything in this book in interesting for you, but I think it is quite helpful (it even includes some recipes you can make during the week(s) before a run)
Enjoy !!!!
Steenwerck en tête,
C'est toujours la fête,
Au début du moins,
Parce qu'après, c'est pas rien !

100 km à pied de Steenwerck -les 40 ans- les 04 et 05 mai 2016. Pour faire la fête:
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Vivien (100bornard1022)
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Inscrit le: 05 Août 2007, 22:02

Re: Training for first marathon.

Messagepar ouster » 28 Nov 2008, 16:45

Hello, and welcome :)

Here's a good article in English from Runners World which is a good magazine but will probably give you speeds and distances in miles.

If you live in France or come here regularly then Jogging International is a good magazine and they currently have a Marathon Special Edition out which details lots of training plans according to the time you hope to hit. They also give good nutrition, sports gear and general advice.

It's a massive subject to cover of course and there's all sorts of advice depending on your aspirations. What kind of time are you hoping for? Is "just" finishing it enough (that was enough for me for my first marathon!) or do you want to go for a specific time?
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Messagepar eric74 » 28 Nov 2008, 19:27

la vache j'suis entrain de travailler mon anglais là !!
continuez les amis !!!
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Messagepar wendy78 » 28 Nov 2008, 23:10

Welcome Davidlakat,

:D :D :D

Great a discussion in English!

If you read french then use Rechercher on the Forums tab to find a host of reading matter on almost any running related topic (and quite a few unrelated too), plus reading the récits of past races is very informative and to be recommended, it really gives you an insight of what to expect during the race.
I'll leave the experts to guide you further...
Kikoureur ki trottine
Messages: 158
Inscrit le: 09 Jan 2008, 22:22

Messagepar Davidlakat » 04 Déc 2008, 20:56

thanks a bunch guys :) ... but I still have a few questions... i really want to work on my endurance... thats my top priority... how much training sould i do a week in order to be able to "finish" the Paris Marathon... or if i also want to work on my speed... what should i do and how often... and while in training... how long should a long run be?
Kikoureur timide
Messages: 8
Inscrit le: 17 Nov 2008, 01:02

Re: Training for first marathon.

Messagepar Fredy » 04 Déc 2008, 21:00

Davidlakat a écrit:Hiya everyone!
help... thanks compris le Francais, mais je ne parle pas bien... merci. :)

Ok, moi aussi, je compris le anglais, mais je ne parle pas bien, thanks
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Re: Training for first marathon.

Messagepar LtBlueb » 04 Déc 2008, 21:17

ouster a écrit:If you live in France or come here regularly then Jogging International is a good magazine and they currently have a Marathon Special Edition out which details lots of training plans according to the time you hope to hit. They also give good nutrition, sports gear and general advice.

y'a pas à dire mais l'Ouster il assure en rosbeef :wink:

à mon avis si Papy Turoom distribue les instructions Raid28 en anglais , il va se ballader :lol:

sorry David to hijack your thread , but I'm sure you'll get plenty of relevant answers here :)

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Messagepar loicm » 04 Déc 2008, 21:21

Davidlakat a écrit:thanks a bunch guys :) ... but I still have a few questions... i really want to work on my endurance... thats my top priority... how much training sould i do a week in order to be able to "finish" the Paris Marathon... or if i also want to work on my speed... what should i do and how often... and while in training... how long should a long run be?

ok, my post isn't THE reference, but my experience of training to finish my first marathon (Paris) whith my wife.
In order to, we trained 3 times a week :
- 1 long and slow run ( between 2h00 and 2h30)
- 1 fast run in order to improve resistance (more than an hour)
- 1 split run during 1h00

And that for 12 weeks
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Messagepar fabzh » 04 Déc 2008, 22:01

hello Davidlakat

Tout pareil que les autres Kikous mais vraiment rien d'autre à rajouter :D

And you singing the song thinking this is the life
And you wake up in the morning and your head feels twice the size
where you gonna go, where you gonna go, where you gonna sleep tonight?
And you singing the song thinking this is the life
And you wake up in the morning and your head feels twice the sizxe
Where you gonna go, where you gonna go, where you gonna sleep tonight?
Where you gonna sleep tonight

Ben Quoi :?: , j'ai l'droit de parler anglais aussi . NON? :wink:

quiet the cat
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Messagepar JLW » 04 Déc 2008, 22:10

Davidlakat a écrit:thanks a bunch guys :) ... but I still have a few questions... i really want to work on my endurance... thats my top priority... how much training sould i do a week in order to be able to "finish" the Paris Marathon... or if i also want to work on my speed... what should i do and how often... and while in training... how long should a long run be?

Hello Davidlakat,
your questions are really the basics for running and not so easy to answer without knowing a little bit your background.

You did several runs around 20km or so. What are your records on these runs ?
How many times and km are you used to run per week today ?
When did you start running regularly ?

The more details you share with us the better the answers will be. :wink:
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Messagepar Davidlakat » 04 Déc 2008, 22:38

okay... 3 times a week... " beetween 2h00 and 2h30 "
WOAW... thats long!... my time in the Semi-Marathon was 2 and um... 38 minits. an' i was " morte du fatigue" ... 1 hour fast :shock: ... ummm... i'll try ... what dose split run mean?

and to answer ye'r questions JLW... i roughly started runnina a about a year ago... and i did un 5 races so far... 2 in Hungary both 10 km long... for be 10 km lakes 1 hour and 13 minits. ... and in Paris i did the 20 km de Paris (2 hours 46 minits ), 16 km de Versialles ( i cant remember the time) an' the Semi-Marathon de Boulogne wich took me 2 hours and 38 minits. ce tout. :)
Kikoureur timide
Messages: 8
Inscrit le: 17 Nov 2008, 01:02

Messagepar JLW » 04 Déc 2008, 22:47

OK 3 times a week, that's nice.

You started one year ago and you already want to do a marathon .... Well why not, you're not the first one to try the marathon so rapidly but personally I think it's too early. I would run another couple of years and trying shorter distances (10k and may be half marathon) before trying longer.

Basically, 3 times a week you may try:

1 10 times 30 seconds fast and walk 30 seconds

2 jogging of 1 hour or so

3 long run from 1h15 in the beginning up to 2h15 or even 2h45.

This is just a very very 1st shot but best would be to have a more general training plan that usually needs 3 months training with progressive runs and most probably a 4th run in the week if you are able to do so. :wink:
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Inscrit le: 28 Juil 2006, 21:32

Messagepar LtBlueb » 04 Déc 2008, 22:53

Davidlakat a écrit: for be 10 km lakes 1 hour and 13 minits. ... and in Paris i did the 20 km de Paris (2 hours 46 minits ), 16 km de Versialles ( i cant remember the time) an' the Semi-Marathon de Boulogne wich took me 2 hours and 38 minits. ce tout. :)

just my personal view David , but before you go to marathon , you need to improve a little bit your time on shortest distance (10 km & half-marathon)

rational is that with 2h46 on semi marathon, you may need more than 6 hours on marathon & some marathons have deadline around 6 hours (5h20 in Annecy, 5h40 in Paris, 6h in Firenza)

if you can reach 1h for 10km & 2h15/2h20 for 21km, you'll be on the safe zone :wink:

Dernière édition par LtBlueb le 09 Déc 2008, 22:15, édité 1 fois au total.
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Messagepar Davidlakat » 09 Déc 2008, 15:52

um... well scince the Paris Marathon will be unofficial (i could'nt register :x ) ... i'll run as far as i can get... any way... i'll be running in the Paris Semi-Marathon too... just for training porpuses... with long runs i usually do... 1:30 to 2 hours... is that suffisant for now? and will be running an official Budapest Marathon... in October. and i'm doing my training plan... for both Marathons.... but i'm also accepting training plans from anyone. :)
Kikoureur timide
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Inscrit le: 17 Nov 2008, 01:02

Messagepar JLW » 09 Déc 2008, 22:08

Hey David,
I totally agree about what was said by LtBlueberry above.
Take your time. :wink:
Try some 10k, train first to gain some speed on this distance.
Go on with longer distances in training, 1 hour or so once per week. And when you'll be under 1 hour for 10k and around 2h15 for half marathon it will be time to think about 42k. :wink:

Well it's just my opinion, but it will be your choice, of course.
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Messagepar ouster » 09 Déc 2008, 22:15

Davidlakat a écrit:with long runs i usually do... 1:30 to 2 hours...

Hi David

How many times a week do you run at the moment?
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Messagepar Davidou le minou » 09 Déc 2008, 22:52

Excellent !!! J'ai trouvé mon homonyme anglais :) (au fait, cat c'est avec un "C" :lol: )

Welcome on board DavidlaKat, I'm Davidou_the_minou :D .

To be serious, I totally agree with L'blueb too : you must run faster otherwise the night will start before you cross the finish line :wink:

Success in your training and keep us updated : that's a great challenge !

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Davidou le minou
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Messagepar Davidlakat » 11 Déc 2008, 21:11

JLW... yeah... you guys are right... i do need to work on my speed and my endurance... i will be running the Paris " Santa Run " this Dimanche (correct?)... and try ta run it with a 1 hour time... an' now i run 3 times a week... should i add a 4th session ?... and its David Lakat. And i hope that with the training i do i can complete the Budapest Marathon.
Kikoureur timide
Messages: 8
Inscrit le: 17 Nov 2008, 01:02

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