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Davidlakat a écrit:Hiya everyone!
I'm training for my first Marathon
I've already participated in several races including the "20km de Paris, "16 km de Versialles ", and the "semi-marathon de Boulogne" ... and i need help with my training for the Paris Marathon... anything from nurishement to tips on how to conserve my energy... even training plans help... thanks compris le Francais, mais je ne parle pas bien... merci.
Davidlakat a écrit:Hiya everyone!
help... thanks compris le Francais, mais je ne parle pas bien... merci.
ouster a écrit:If you live in France or come here regularly then Jogging International is a good magazine and they currently have a Marathon Special Edition out which details lots of training plans according to the time you hope to hit. They also give good nutrition, sports gear and general advice.
Davidlakat a écrit:thanks a bunch guys ... but I still have a few questions... i really want to work on my endurance... thats my top priority... how much training sould i do a week in order to be able to "finish" the Paris Marathon... or if i also want to work on my speed... what should i do and how often... and while in training... how long should a long run be?
Davidlakat a écrit:thanks a bunch guys ... but I still have a few questions... i really want to work on my endurance... thats my top priority... how much training sould i do a week in order to be able to "finish" the Paris Marathon... or if i also want to work on my speed... what should i do and how often... and while in training... how long should a long run be?
Davidlakat a écrit: for be 10 km lakes 1 hour and 13 minits. ... and in Paris i did the 20 km de Paris (2 hours 46 minits ), 16 km de Versialles ( i cant remember the time) an' the Semi-Marathon de Boulogne wich took me 2 hours and 38 minits. ce tout.
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