Voir la fiche de la course : Andorra UT Vallnord / Ronda dels Cims du 21/6/2013
Filtrer par
Class | Perf | Nom | Cat | Club |
1 | 28h41'06'' | CHORIER Julien | SEM | France Team Salomon |
2 | 31h12'00'' | YAMAMOTO Kenichi | SEM | Japan Houdini |
3 | 31h24'54'' | COOPER Matt | SEM | Australia Salomon Australia |
4 | 32h09'58'' | BALLESTER GOMEZ Pep | SEM | España |
5 | 32h13'50'' | ALESON ORBEGOZO Imanol | V1M | España urruti sport |
6 | 32h44'02'' | TEIXEIRA Armando Jorge | SEM | Portugal Salomon Portugal |
7 | 33h33'30'' | CAMPBELL Jared | SEM | United States La Sportiva |
8 | 33h33'37'' | DRANEY Ty | SEM | United States Patagonia Ultra Team |
9 | 33h33'44'' | LEWIS Benjamin | SEM | United States |
10 | 34h04'00'' | CEBRIA GARZO Josep | SEM | España club atletisme Xativa |
11 | 34h24'23'' | HERRERO CASAS Albert | SEM | España Dream Runners |
12 | 34h24'23'' | SOLÉ DUOCASTELLA Francesc | SEM | España A.E.MATXACUCA |
13 | 35h39'22'' | AIR Stuart | SEM | United Kingdom |
14 | 35h54'27'' | KONSTANTINOU Panagiotis | V1M | Greece |
15 | 36h16'43'' | CARRASCO BELLMUNT David | V1M | España TEAM BUSSETUS SAORTE |
16 | 36h18'55'' | CANEPA Francesca | V1F | Italy Montura / Vibram |
17 | 37h11'47'' | BERETTA Roberto | V1M | Italy Team tecnica italia - trail running brescia |
18 | 37h11'47'' | ISOMURA Shinsuke | SEM | Japan DMJ |
19 | 37h42'18'' | VIDAL SALVI Jordi | V1M | España C.A.PESCALLUNES |
20 | 38h15'20'' | ALBERDI EZENARRO Zigor | SEM | España |
21 | 38h15'20'' | FLORES GONZALEZ-CORONADO Francisco Javier | V1M | España GRACIA GYMNASTIC CLUB |
22 | 38h19'47'' | MANKÓ Olga | SEF | Ukraine A.E. MATXACUCA |
23 | 38h22'01'' | JAILE CASADEMONT Joel | SEM | España Team Hoka/Diedre |
24 | 38h22'25'' | DELIKAT Patrick | V1M | France |
25 | 39h32'19'' | LECOMTE Emilie | SEF | France Team Trail Quechua |
26 | 39h39'58'' | PEREZ PALENCIA Santiago | V1M | España Ganerantz |
27 | 40h06'29'' | SEKI Junichi | V1M | Japan THE SOUTH FACE |
28 | 40h21'12'' | ZADOKS Gideon | V1M | France UFO |
29 | 40h52'48'' | YUSTE BARRANQUERO Angel | V2M | España Aiiiiiiiadelante |
30 | 40h52'48'' | RODRÍGUEZ ORTOLL Jose Luis | SEM | España Aiiiiiiiadelante Team |
31 | 41h08'20'' | MAIZ GASTESI Francisco jabier | V2M | España lagun onak |
32 | 41h11'14'' | CODINA VENTURA Jordi | SEM | España A.E Mountain Runners del Berguedà |
33 | 41h11'14'' | COTS SOTOCA Sergi | SEM | España vertic runners/koalas team |
34 | 41h11'14'' | PEREZ VALERO Albert | SEM | España Els Trinxats del Pont |
35 | 41h22'18'' | NATIVEL Joseph ginot | V2M | France courrir en pays de grasse |
36 | 41h47'43'' | PALLARES NAVARRO Lluís | SEM | España C.M.LA PEDRERA/SKYRANCI'S |
37 | 42h05'40'' | YAMADA Shinya | SEM | Japan Sporciva |
38 | 42h05'40'' | TORNE SOLDEVILA Joan | V1M | Andorra Club Pirinenc |
39 | 42h05'40'' | PINTÓ FULLA Enric | SEM | España Cargol Bové |
40 | 42h06'54'' | NIORT Yann | V1M | France |
41 | 42h28'36'' | ADRIAN CARO Xari | SEF | España GR-33/TOTTRAIL |
42 | 42h32'59'' | DORNE Franck | V1M | France CAF DSA |
43 | 43h10'00'' | SINDOU Arnaud | V1M | France OCC CABRIES |
44 | 43h12'58'' | CLAVERIA FLORIACH Carles | SEM | España CENTRE NATACIO MATARO |
45 | 43h12'58'' | GIMENEZ HERNANDEZ Ricard | V1M | España CENTRE EX CALLUS |
46 | 43h12'58'' | GONZALEZ LOPERA Enric | V1M | España Les Guilles |
47 | 43h29'37'' | DAVIS Matthew | V1M | United Kingdom Carnethy HRC |
48 | 43h29'37'' | CUNIBIL Olivier | SEM | France AS AREVA Lyon |
49 | 44h27'27'' | COLONNELLO Chiara | V1F | Italy montanaia racing |
50 | 44h35'08'' | GARROTE ARJONA Jose Manuel | SEM | España Centre Excursionista Jonquerenc |
51 | 44h59'35'' | STROP Miroslav | SEM | Czech Republic Trailpoint - www.trailpoint.cz |
52 | 44h59'35'' | SUCHOMEL Jan | SEM | Czech Republic VFF |
53 | 45h05'23'' | LAGUNA GARIN Fernando | SEM | España |
54 | 45h25'25'' | SUZUKI Hiroko | SEF | Japan Salomon |
55 | 45h59'53'' | DUEDRA FLORENSA Marc | SEM | Andorra |
56 | 46h11'28'' | ESTEBAN CANTERO Jordi | V1M | Andorra CPA |
57 | 46h18'02'' | BADIA ISERN Josep | V1M | Andorra |
58 | 46h22'26'' | ALESSANDRO Crippa | V1M | Italy Falchi Lecco |
59 | 46h22'26'' | CIAURRIZ Eric | V2M | France BAZTANDARRAK |
60 | 46h22'26'' | FERRI Umberto | V1M | Italy avis oggiono |
61 | 46h22'26'' | MARIO Sala | V1M | Italy |
62 | 46h22'26'' | PENSA Patrizia | V1F | Italy polisportiva besanese |
63 | 46h54'03'' | DUBOS David | SEM | France CONSEIL GENERAL33 - LES COURAPIEDS |
64 | 46h56'42'' | DUCHIER Claude | V2M | France |
65 | 47h19'43'' | HORTON Roch | V2M | United States Patagonia Ultra Running Team |
66 | 47h33'41'' | UBACH BARBERA Txema | V1M | España DIEDRE HOSTAL MONTAÑA ALINS |
67 | 47h44'02'' | GALLETTO Marco | V2M | Italy GS ZEGNA |
68 | 48h00'43'' | MOLINA LOPEZ Jesus | V1M | España senda |
69 | 48h25'04'' | ANGEL ANDRADE Julio Cesar | V1M | Mexico Solo Para Salvajes-Corredores del Bosque de Tlalpan |
70 | 48h49'24'' | BERTRAN MASANES Elisabet | SEF | España Matxacuca |
71 | 49h28'54'' | VISIGALLI Paolo | SEM | Italy asd courmayeur trailers |
72 | 49h29'27'' | BRUEL Michel | V2M | France |
73 | 49h33'00'' | DOYEN Frédéric | V1M | France les chevaliers du vent |
74 | 49h33'00'' | AGEORGES Fabrice | V1M | Gabon madinina team trail |
75 | 49h33'43'' | PAGES Miquel | V1M | Andorra |
76 | 49h57'46'' | FEINHAUS Dima | V2M | United States Cambridge Sports Union |
77 | 50h03'59'' | HAGUENIN Jerome | V1M | France livry gargan |
78 | 50h07'33'' | SADAHIRO Kazunori | SEM | Japan TEAM USUKAWA |
79 | 50h08'37'' | ZAPATA MUÑOZ Juandi | V1M | España AUrunStore |
80 | 50h23'36'' | FERNANDEZ FERNANDEZ Gonzalo | V3M | España Ganerantz M.T. |
81 | 50h26'41'' | COLLINSON Mark | SEM | United Kingdom trail running association |
82 | 50h33'10'' | BORRAS CUEVAS Kike | V1M | España Associació Esportiva EKke LLeida |
83 | 50h33'16'' | ARMENGOL GELONCH Ramon | SEM | España EKKE |
84 | 50h42'33'' | GIL RODRIGUEZ Jacint | V1M | Andorra CPA |
85 | 50h42'33'' | PINTÓ MORALES Josep | V2M | Andorra C.A.V.A |
86 | 50h42'33'' | TORNE SOLDEVILA Antoni | V2M | Andorra CAVA |
87 | 50h43'22'' | LEON CARREÑO Joan Carles | V1M | France U.E. Matadepera |
88 | 50h53'08'' | PAUL Adrien | SEM | France |
89 | 50h53'44'' | PARISSE Alain | V1M | France AIX SAVOIE TRIATHLON |
90 | 50h56'39'' | EBEL Jeremy | SEM | United States |
91 | 50h56'45'' | CORTEA-SARRATEA Bautista | V1M | España |
92 | 51h11'57'' | PANHUYSEN Michiel | V1M | Netherlands Bailrun |
93 | 51h15'32'' | LLAGONE Pascal | V1M | France taill aventure |
94 | 51h27'23'' | DE SANTIAGO IGLESIAS Luis | V1M | España |
95 | 51h29'47'' | ARDERIU VIUDES Josep | SEM | España |
96 | 51h29'47'' | NUIN GURBINDO Carlos | V1M | España CLUB DEPORTIVO NAVARRA |
97 | 51h52'16'' | BAYIOS Ioannis | V2M | Greece University of Athens |
98 | 52h37'16'' | LOPEZ PELAEZ Ramon | SEM | España burumendi |
99 | 52h56'50'' | ROIG CÀRCEL Josep | V1M | Andorra Club Pirinenc Andorrà |
101 | 53h15'50'' | SOLER LOPEZ Jeroni | V1M | España Montserrat Vertical |
102 | 53h15'50'' | PLANAS COLL Robert | V1M | España Mountain Runners Berguedà |
103 | 53h21'37'' | ALEGRI LLOBET Ernest | V2M | España Centre Excta. Celra |
104 | 53h21'43'' | PALLEJA ELIAS Joan | V2M | España CLUB EXCURSIONISTA DE GRACIA |
105 | 53h53'05'' | TAILLEBOIS Lionel | V2M | France team kagouille |
106 | 54h11'00'' | SANCHEZ CADENA Victor | V2M | España CLUB CENTRE EXCTA. VALLALTA |
107 | 54h15'22'' | RODRIGUES Paulo Jorge | V1M | Portugal Desnivel Positivo |
108 | 54h23'52'' | BARBIER Daniel | V3M | France TEAM RAIDLIGHT |
109 | 54h24'03'' | LIMOUSIN Anthony | V1M | France |
110 | 54h24'15'' | RODRIGUES CARMONA MORGADO Jose manuel | V2M | Portugal |
111 | 54h27'57'' | SPELMANS Christophe | V1M | Belgium |
112 | 54h51'19'' | BAÏSSE Patrick | V1M | France |
113 | 54h59'46'' | MARTINEZ PINES Merxe | V1F | España Corriol X-trem |
114 | 54h59'46'' | MORENO GOMIS Vicent | SEM | España Corriol xtrem |
115 | 55h02'08'' | UGALDE ASTEINZA Javier | V1M | España Deustuko menditarrak |
116 | 55h07'30'' | PAPADOPOULOS Michail | V2M | Greece LES TRAILERS |
117 | 55h42'01'' | MANZANO SANTIAGO Josep lluis | V2M | Andorra |
118 | 55h42'01'' | VALLDAURA GIRAVENT Enric | V2M | España CENTRE EXCTA.TORELLO |
119 | 56h04'39'' | CUNIBIL Alain | V3M | France Combes et Crêtes |
120 | 56h43'19'' | JAVALOYES Teo | V1M | España MIS JUEVES |
121 | 56h50'41'' | LACOMBE Pierre | V2M | France Pego |
122 | 57h13'22'' | CHALITA ABDO Antonio | V1M | Mexico |
123 | 57h17'02'' | VARADAS Ilias | V1M | Greece apollon d. a. |
124 | 57h23'38'' | HONDA Eiji | V1M | Japan Team Usukawa |
125 | 57h23'38'' | YONEDA Yasutaka | SEM | Japan Team USUKAWA |
126 | 57h49'37'' | HARRATI Eric | V1M | France |
127 | 57h59'30'' | LLACER LLOBELL Guillermo | V1M | España corriol x-trem |
128 | 58h09'19'' | DE JUST Bruno | V2M | France |
129 | 58h09'23'' | MIRET TORRENS Albert | V1M | España els xulius |
130 | 58h17'04'' | PUY SEGURA Josep Maria | SEM | Andorra CLUB LES PARDINES |
131 | 58h23'00'' | BATALLA JUBANY Josep maria | V2M | España aaeet grup atletic |
132 | 58h37'14'' | ILTIS Thierry | V1M | France VALMONT |
133 | 58h46'57'' | BOUTEILLE Christian | V2M | France APY BUC |
134 | 58h47'00'' | DE WINTER Remi | V1M | France APY BUC |
135 | 59h09'30'' | LE BRIS Jean-Yves | V2M | France Guipavas Oxygène |
136 | 59h12'10'' | CAIHUELAS QUILES Ramon | V1M | España Trailers La Salle |
137 | 59h12'12'' | GALVE SAINZ DE VARANDA Javier | SEM | España montañeros de aragon |
138 | 59h36'26'' | MONTANE Joan Claudi | V2M | Andorra |
139 | 59h36'51'' | TERRICABRAS MARTI Enric | SEM | España OT-ARITJOL |
140 | 60h02'45'' | CLIMENT RUIZ Carlos Javier | SEM | España APER ALCOI |
141 | 60h19'14'' | BURLET Jean-philippe | V1M | France as cambounet |
142 | 60h52'03'' | JOUFFROY Romain | SEM | France |
143 | 61h29'40'' | LEHMANN Frédéric | SEM | France |
144 | 62h35'55'' | GARCIA MARTIN Pablo | V1M | España |
145 | 62h35'55'' | REYES HERNÁNDEZ Octavio Daniel | SEM | Mexico |
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