Il corrige des trucs
Extrait du site de Garmin (j'ai repris les deux dernières versions). Si tu as un firmware récent, genre 2.80, pas forcément la peine de mettre à jour, sinon, autant passer sur la dernière. Pour vendre, je pense que c'est mieux de mettre à jour, ça enlève des tracas à l'acheteur.
Change History
Changes made from version 2.80 to 2.90:
Added Venezuela and Australia-Lord Howe Island time zones.
Fixed problem where course goal time incorrectly included paused time.
Fixed problem where averages for heart rate and cadence could include data from when the timer was auto paused.
Fixed problem where calories could be added when the timer was auto paused.
Fixed problem where extra distance (around 2.5 miles) could be added when restarting search for foot pod while recording data.
Changes to support manufacturing.
Changes made from version 2.70 to 2.80:
Fixed problem where unit could sometimes shutdown when setting up a time and pace/speed quick workout.
Fixed problem where unit would shutdown when trying to configure data fields if language is set to Dutch or Hungarian.
Fixed problem where unit could shutdown when doing a course and scrolling through the timer pages if language is set to German.
Fixed problem with deleting history items based on time in certain time zones.
Fixed problem with displaying interval durations and repetitions data in history if the workout had warmup and cooldown steps.
Improved display of warnings when unit is out of storage for laps.
Improved quick workouts to allow distances greater than 40 miles or 64.37 km.