Cortina-Dobbiaco Run

Edition 2015

Cortina-Dobbiaco Run le 31 mai 2015 - Cortina d’Ampezzo - Course à Pied - 30 km

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Sport : Course à Pied
Date : Sunday 31 mai 2015
Lieu : Cortina d’Ampezzo (102 - Italie, Europe )
Distance : 30 kms
Dénivelé : 319 m
Heure départ : 09:30:00
Temps limite : 04:30:00

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Enregistré par jmerlin - validé par Eric Kb

Éditeur de la catégorie (Course à Pied, Italie, 5/2015) : Jerome_I
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The course retrace the old railway connecting once the two localities : Cortina d’ Ampezzo and Dobbiaco, through breathtaking landscapes, in uncontaminated nature.
You will leave from Cortina and reach Dobbiaco 30 Km after.
The first part is a light climb with galleries and small bridges, which seem to be suspended in the sky. On a side, the Dolomites until Passo Cima Banche (mt 1530 – maximal height of the course) dividing not only these two localities, but also 2 provinces and 2 regions. Precisely Belluno in Veneto and Bolzano in Alto Adige.
Going on on the course, you go down to the lake Landro, and a little after, you will see the “Tre Cime di Lavaredo” rising, symbols of these places, stately and magnificent, well known all around the world for their amenity and fascination.
After a few kilometers, you will reach the alpine lake of Dobbiaco, other beauty on the course. Going out from the wood, you will start to see some houses of the village , will leave the path and you run on your last kilometer.
The finish line is now near, in the beautiful park of the Grand Hotel ! Here you are, with the welcome of a big public of people, sanctioning the end of a beautiful and exciting race, the Dolomite race.

Site Web de la course :
Coordonnées organisateur : ORGANIZATION
A.S.D. F.O.R. Foundation Organization Running
PO box 18, 39034 Dobbiaco (BZ)
Race info: +39 340 16 18 706 - +39 320 44 86 783
General info:

ENTERNOW: +39 041 8020213 -
TDS(Time Data Service): +39 041 990320 -
E-mail organisateur :

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