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Comment supprimer son compte garmin connect?

MessagePublié: 23 Nov 2014, 20:18
par mitche
Bjr, j'aimerais savoir su quelq'un connait la procédure pour supprimer définitivement son compte garmin connect?
Merci d'avance

Re: Comment supprimer son compte garmin connect?

MessagePublié: 23 Nov 2014, 23:26
par Garlik
Garmin takes reasonable steps to ensure that the Personal Information we collect from you is accurate, complete, and current. You may request access and request that erroneous or inaccurate Personal Information be updated. You may also request that your Personal Information be deleted. Consistent with applicable law, Garmin will respond promptly to your requests and in any event within 30 days. For your protection, we may only implement requests with respect to the Personal Information associated with the particular email address that you use to send us your request, and we may need to verify your identity before implementing your request. We may decline to process requests that jeopardize the privacy of others, are extremely impractical, or would cause us to take any action that is not permissible under applicable laws. Please note that we may need to retain certain information for recordkeeping purposes, and there may also be residual information that will remain in our databases and other records, which will not be removed.

Access, correction or deletion requests can be made as follows:


En bref, faut envoyer un mail a Garmin, veulent juste bien être sur que c'est toi qui en fait la demande.

Re: Comment supprimer son compte garmin connect?

MessagePublié: 24 Nov 2014, 07:20
par mitche
Bonjour et merci garlik, le mail est parti ce matin.
J'attends la suite.
Bonne journée

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